Obstetric emergency department in Al
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Obstetric emergency department in Al

Aug 28, 2023


In partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), HUMAN ACCESS in Al-Mahra Governorate delivered medicines, medical supplies, and hygiene materials to the obstetric emergency department at Al-Ghaydah Central Hospital, as part of the ongoing support offered by the reproductive health services support project. The project includes a wide spectrum of health care, including maternal and newborn care.

The handover process took place in the presence of the medical coordinator of KSrelief Center in Al-Mahrah, Dr. Murad bin Aqil, the director general of Al-Ghaydah Hospital, Mohsen Muhammad Balhaf, and the director of the Executive Unit for IDPs, Abu Bakr Bin Buraik.

This periodic support plays a key role in improving life-saving reproductive health services in the governorate and making a positive impact on the lives of beneficiaries.

During the delivery, the director general of Al-Ghaidha Hospital stated that these materials, which are delivered every quarter to the obstetric emergency department in the hospital from the project to support reproductive health services, cover a large part of the department's needs, thanks to HUMAN ACCESS, UNFPA and KSrelief for their important support in improving reproductive health services for the most vulnerable communities.